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* WICONSETTER A companion utility to wIconify. wIconSetter allows
* you to specify custom icons for windows ans screens
* that normally use the default icons.
* wIconFileIO.c Handles low-level file activity.
* Copyright 1990 by Davide P. Cervone, all rights reserved.
* You may use this code, provided this copyright notice is kept intact.
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "wIconFile.h"
FILE *InFile; /* Main file pointer */
int EndOfFile; /* TRUE if at end-of-file */
static int LineCount; /* Number of lines read */
static char Line[MAXLINE+2]; /* Line buffer */
static short LinePos; /* current position in line */
static short WrdStart,WrdEnd; /* Where the current word starts and ends */
char NextChar; /* the next character of the file */
char Word[MAXLINE+1]; /* the word buffer */
static FILE *OldFile; /* Saved file for DEFAULT_ICON command */
static int OldLineCount; /* Saved line count for old file */
#define INVERSE "\033[32;41m"
#define NORMAL "\033[m"
#define COLORED "\033[32;40m"
* ShowError()
* If the word starts and ends at the same character, move ahead so something
* will be displayed.
* Get the first character of the word, and end the line there.
* Set the text color and print the first part of the line.
* Put back the first character of the word, and save the last one.
* Print the word in inverted lettering and go back to colored letters.
* Put back the last letter of the word and print the rest of the line.
* Go back to normal lettering and print the error message with a line number.
* If the icon file is open, indicate that.
void ShowError(s,x1,x2,x3)
char *s,*x1,*x2,*x3;
char c;
if (WrdStart == WrdEnd) WrdEnd++;
c = Line[WrdStart]; Line[WrdStart] = 0;
Line[WrdStart] = c; c = Line[WrdEnd]; Line[WrdEnd] = 0;
if (EndOfFile || Line[WrdStart] < ' ') printf(" ");
else printf("%s",&Line[WrdStart]);
Line[WrdEnd] = c; if (c) printf("%s",&Line[WrdEnd]); else printf("\n");
printf(" at line %d",LineCount);
if (OldFile) printf(" of Icon File");
* Expected()
* If we are at the end of file, indicate this.
* If the word is a single character (or no characters)
* If the character is printable, use it,
* Otherwise, convert it to a word it control character notation.
* Print the message saying what was seen and what was expected.
void Expected(s)
char *s;
char *Seen = &Word[0];
char c = Line[WrdStart];
if (EndOfFile) Seen = "End-of-File"; else
if (WrdEnd < WrdStart+2)
if ((c >= ' ' && c < 0x7F) || c > 0xA0) Seen = " ", Seen[0] = c;
case '\n':
Seen = "End-of-Line";
case ' ':
Seen = "Space";
case '\t':
Seen = "TAB";
case '\033':
Seen = "ESC";
case '\0':
Seen = "NULL";
case 0x7F:
Seen = "DEL";
Seen = "^ ";
Seen[1] = (c & 0x1F) + '@';
ShowError("'%s' seen where %s was expected",Seen,s);
* GetNextLine()
* If we can read a line from the file,
* Mark the end of line (in case the maximum of the buffer was used)
* Clear the position markers, and count the line.
* Get the next character on the line.
* Otherwise,
* Clear the line and set the positions to the end of the line.
* Mark the end of file (any error is treated as EOF).
static void GetNextLine()
if (fgets(Line,MAXLINE,InFile))
Line[MAXLINE] = '\n';
Line[MAXLINE+1] = 0;
LinePos = WrdStart = WrdEnd = 0;
NextChar = Line[LinePos];
} else {
NextChar = '\n'; LinePos = WrdStart = WrdEnd = MAXLINE;
EndOfFile = TRUE;
* GetNextChar()
* Get the next character on the line and increment the position.
* Set the word positions to the current position.
void GetNextChar()
NextChar = Line[++LinePos];
WrdStart = WrdEnd = LinePos;
* SkipComments()
* While we are at the beginning of a comment (indicated by '/*')
* Move past the comment characters and increment the comment counter
* Get the next character.
* While we are still within a coment,
* and until we reach a comment terminator or end-of-file,
* If we are at the end of a line, read the next line,
* If we are at the beginning of a nested comment,
* Increment the nexted count and move past the comment characters.
* Otherwise, go on to the next character.
* If we are at the end of the file, show an error (unbalanced comments).
* Otherwise, skip the end-comment characters.
* Decrement the comment nesting count.
* If the next character is the rest-of-line comment character,
* or if we are at the end of the file, move to the end of the line.
void SkipComments()
int Nested = 0;
while (NextChar == '/' && Line[LinePos+1] == '*')
LinePos += 2; Nested++;
NextChar = Line[LinePos++];
while (Nested)
while ((NextChar != '*' || Line[LinePos] != '/') && !EndOfFile)
if (NextChar == '\n' || NextChar == '\0') GetNextLine(); else
if (NextChar == '/' && Line[LinePos] == '*')
Nested++, NextChar = Line[++LinePos];
else NextChar = Line[LinePos++];
if (EndOfFile)
WrdStart = WrdEnd = MAXLINE;
} else NextChar = Line[++LinePos];
if (EndOfFile || NextChar == ';') NextChar = Line[LinePos=MAXLINE];
* SkipSpaces()
* First skip any comments.
* While the next character is white-space,
* Skip characters until it is not white space,
* Then skip comments and do it again.
void SkipSpaces()
while (NextChar == ' ' || NextChar == '\t')
do NextChar = Line[++LinePos];
while (NextChar == ' ' || NextChar == '\t');
* ReadNextLine()
* While there is more in the file, and the current line is blank
* Get the next line of the file and skip any comments.
* Do this until there is actually some real data to look at.
* Set the word positions to the current location.
void ReadNextLine()
while (!EndOfFile && (NextChar == 0 || NextChar == '\n'))
WrdStart = WrdEnd = LinePos;
* SkipChar()
* If we are at the end of the line, read the next one,
* Otherwise, move to the next non-blank character.
void SkipChar()
if (NextChar == '\n') ReadNextLine();
else NextChar = Line[++LinePos], SkipSpaces();
* SkipLine()
* No matter where we are on the current line, go on to the next line
* and skip spaces. Mark the current word positions.
void SkipLine()
GetNextLine(); SkipSpaces();
WrdStart = WrdEnd = LinePos;
* ReadNextChar()
* Get the next character and mark the beginning of a word.
* Skip any spaces after the current character.
void ReadNextChar()
NextChar = Line[++LinePos];
WrdStart = WrdEnd = LinePos;
* ReadAWord()
* Begin the word at the current location.
* While the next character is a letter (or a number if they are allowed)
* Add it to the word buffer and go to the next character
* If the word has at least one character, mark the end of the word,
* Otherwise, the word is a single special character.
* Mark the end of the word in the line buffer and skip trailing spaces.
void ReadAWord(Numbers)
int Numbers;
short i=0;
WrdStart = LinePos;
while ((NextChar >= 'A' && NextChar <= 'Z') ||
(NextChar >= 'a' && NextChar <= 'z') ||
(NextChar >= '0' && NextChar <= '9' && Numbers) ||
NextChar == '_')
Word[i++] = NextChar;
NextChar = Line[++LinePos];
if (i)
Word[i] = 0;
} else {
Word[0] = NextChar; Word[1] = 0;
NextChar = Line[++LinePos];
WrdEnd = LinePos;
* ReadNextWord()
* Read a word without allowing numbers as part of the word.
void ReadNextWord()
* ReadExtendedWord()
* Read a word and allow numbers as part of the word.
void ReadExtendedWord()
* ReadNextInteger()
* Get the first digit of the number.
* If it is a minus sign, add it to the number and move on.
* While the next character is a digit, add it to the number and move on.
* Mark the end of the word, and skip blanks.
void ReadNextInteger()
short i=0;
NextChar = Line[LinePos=WrdStart];
if (NextChar == '-')
Word[i++] = NextChar;
NextChar = Line[++LinePos];
while (NextChar >= '0' && NextChar <= '9')
Word[i++] = NextChar;
NextChar = Line[++LinePos];
Word[i] = 0;
WrdEnd = LinePos;
* ReadFullLine()
* Get the first letter of the word.
* If the first character is a quote, flag it and move past it.
* While we are not at the end of the line (or at an end quote)
* Add the character into the word buffer and move on.
* If we are looking for a close quote
* and the next character is a quoted quote,
* add a single quote into the buffer and skip over the quotes.
* Mark the end of the word (ie, line).
* If we were looking for quotes, then
* If we didn't find a closing quote, show an error, otherwise skip
* over the close-quote.
* Skip blanks after the string.
* Otherwise, strip off trailing blanks from the string.
void ReadFullLine()
short i = 0;
int Quoted = FALSE;
NextChar = Line[LinePos=WrdStart];
if (NextChar == '\'')
Quoted = TRUE;
NextChar = Line[WrdStart=++LinePos];
while (NextChar != '\n' && (NextChar != '\'' || Quoted == FALSE))
Word[i++] = NextChar;
NextChar = Line[++LinePos];
if (Quoted)
if (NextChar == '\'' && Line[LinePos+1] == '\'')
Word[i++] = NextChar;
LinePos += 2;
NextChar = Line[LinePos];
WrdEnd = LinePos;
Word[i--] = 0;
if (Quoted)
if (NextChar == '\n') ShowError("Quoted string not terminated");
else NextChar = Line[++LinePos];
} else {
while (i >= 0 && Word[i] == ' ') Word[i--] = 0;
* Reread()
* Go back to be beginning of the word and start reading again.
void Reread()
LinePos = WrdStart;
NextChar = Line[LinePos];
* WordToUpper()
* Look through the word buffer and convert lower case letters to uppper
* case ones.
void WordToUpper()
char *s = &Word[0];
while (*s)
if (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z') *s = *s - 'a' + 'A';
* OpenFile()
* Attempt to open the specified file.
* If successful,
* Set the error status and line counters and read the first line
* Return TRUE if file openned OK.
int OpenFile(Name)
char *Name;
int status = FALSE;
InFile = fopen(Name,"r");
if (InFile)
EndOfFile = FALSE; LineCount = 0;
status = TRUE;
* CloseFile()
* Close the file and clear the file pointer.
void CloseFile(theFile)
FILE *theFile;
if (theFile == InFile) InFile = NULL;
* SaveOpenFile()
* Save the old file pointer and old line count.
* Clear the file pointer for future use.
void SaveOpenFile()
OldFile = InFile;
OldLineCount = LineCount;
InFile = NULL;
* RestoreFile()
* If there was an old file open,
* Get back the old pointer and line count,
* Reset the status, and move to the end of the line.
* Clear the save pointer for future use.
void RestoreFile()
if (OldFile)
InFile = OldFile;
LineCount = OldLineCount;
EndOfFile = FALSE;
NextChar = Line[LinePos=MAXLINE];
OldFile = NULL;